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Rev. Dr. Kenneth D. Linnell OSL

I Ain't in Kansas No More! This Can't Be God....
It Feels too Real!!

It has been said that life is an unending journey. This is the telling of one man’s life journey, not yet ended. The serendipity at times and the divinity through it all, which brought him to the various monuments and places of his life. The people he has met along the way and their influences, negative and positive, on the progress of his journey.

This is the telling of faith, in the veracity of visions given to men, through the work of the Holy Spirit, in particular one vision. It is a tale of the devotion and dedication required to bring a vision once given, and accepted into fruition, and the many miracles large and small which happened along the way.

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A Semi True Story

Deborah Ann Pollard married our boy. The wedding was held in the club house of the apartment house complex where the boy lived at the moment. It was held there because the church as the religious entity it was, would not allow the wedding to take place on its hollowed grounds, because of the boy’s past marital history.


Religion had determined, it just could not sanction the union. The ceremony however, was conducted by two ministers associated with the church. Strange indeed. The story of Debbie, as she is known, is told in another volume titled “I Ain’t in Kansas No More”, so it won’t be retold here. Friend’s of the couple, at the time of the marriage, declared strongly and often, that it would not last. Who knows? They may be correct. It has only been a little over thirty nine years now and its not over yet. Anything could happen.


To quote Debbie, “I may not be the first or even the second but I hold the record.” I as the author, and the second half of this union, am required by all good consciousness to state here and now my life has forever been the better because of Debbie. However, she most certainly has deserved more than she has received. She certainly got the short end of the stick, as the saying goes.


That is when she married me, she deserved better than she got!

Grab your copy now!!!

Semi True Story
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